Riley is running an insane fever that’s making them even more delirious and unreasonable than usual. Evelyn, not wanting to see Riley keel over, hires the only doctor who still does house calls - who just happens to be an organ-harvesting serial killer. But is he ready for the Less Is Morgue duo’s insane bullshit?
SOUND: A toad loudly croaks.
Riley: [hoarse; unwell] Hey, get away from the mic. This is a podcast, not a Frogcast.
Evelyn: That’s a toad, Riley, you can tell from the size and skin texture.
SOUND: Toad croaks again, getting quieter as Riley picks it up.
Riley: C’mere, you. You’re my only salvation.
Evelyn: Riles, why are we even recording today? You should be resting! Why not go back to playing Mario Kart on your Nintendo? You were this close to beating Rainbow Road!
Riley: It’s called a Switch, Evelyn. And rest is for the feeble. I’m working at peak perf- [violent coughing fit]
SOUND: Intro music. Riley still coughs when it comes back. Splat as Riley coughs something up onto the floor.
Riley: I hope that wasn’t important.
Evelyn: You literally coughed up a lung!
Riley: Yeah, but it’s not my lung. Look at it, it’s pink, it’s probably the mailman. Or that guy who misgendered me at Target.
Evelyn: Will you please return the toad to its natural habitat, and call a licensed medical professional? I’m beginning to think you’re beyond the “chicken soup and bed rest” stage of sickness.
Riley: You know the words “licensed”, “medical”, and “professional” were all made up.
Evelyn: All words are made up, Riley! That’s what language is! Riley: Here’s some language for you: I have the cure, and it starts with this frog going into my mouth.
Evelyn: Counterpoint One: Still a toad. And two: Do you even know why you’re sick in the first place?
Riley: I don’t need to be sick to do something healthy, like eating a raw, uncooked frog, but if I was sick, which I’m not, I wouldn’t be.
Evelyn: You edit this podcast, Riley, so I know you must listen to yourself sometimes. Does it ever occur to you that choosing to die on some weird hill doesn’t always end well for you?
Riley: Shows what you know. Frogs don’t live on hills.
Evelyn: [demonic voice] TOAD!
SOUND: The toad croaks again.
Riley: Shut up and make me better.
SOUND: Riley swallows the toad.
Riley: And now it’s just a matter of time. [another violent coughing fit]
Evelyn: That’s it, I’m calling a doctor before your fever completely melts your brain.
Riley: I’m not running a fever. And my brain is too smooth to melt.
Evelyn: Tell that to the steam coming off your forehead.
Riley: That’s just ‘cause I’m thinking really hard about how healthy I feel!
Evelyn: Okay...Local doctors…
SOUND: Keyboard sounds. Riley’s stomach gurgles.
Riley: Whoa. I can feel that frog’s health juice coursing through my veins.
Evelyn: The term “health juice” is definitely not scientific. Also, your pupils look like bowling balls right now. Where did you get that toad?
Riley: Shhh, Evelyn. You’ll scare the health away.
Evelyn: “The health?”
Riley: Ooh, look! I’m getting a stamina buff! My green bar is huge! I think the gamers are on to something.
Evelyn: [typing] “ call...available immediately…”
Riley: No doctors, Ev! They’re just phonies in service of Big Pharma!
Evelyn: Well this website is called NotFakeDoctors.REAL, so you don’t need to worry about any phonies here.
Riley: Ev. I don’t wanna alarm you...But I think Mario just entered the basement.
Evelyn: I’m just gonna click “I’m Feeling Lucky.”
Riley: Oh, Mario’s leaving. Good. I don’t fuck with people who hate ghosts.
Evelyn: This is just like all those D.A.R.E. videos I watched in high school. I hope the doctor shows up before Riley jumps off a building while trying to fly.
Riley: What if I jumped onto a building? Then I’d never fall again. [weirdly sinister laugh]
SOUND: Three ominous knocks, with eerie pauses in between.
Evelyn: He’s here! You may actually survive this now, Riley!
Riley: Riley will never die! [coughing fit]
SOUND: Whoosh! Evelyn heads towards the door and opens it with her ghost powers.
Rich: Good evening, my dear. I’m Doctor Richard Bates, but please, call me Rich. I apologize for the delay, I had to dispose of some incriminati- er, I mean contaminating medical waste.
Evelyn: Hi, Dr. Rich! I’m Evelyn! Also, it’s 10:00 AM.
Rich: Of course; force of habit. I usually work under the cover of night. I mean... At night.
Evelyn: Oh, no problem, everyone misspeaks sometimes, I-- Wait, you can see me?
Rich: [ignoring Ev’s question] So, where’s my patient?
Evelyn: Riley, that’s the ghoul laying on the couch over there. [slightly louder] The very obviously unwell one.
Riley: I’m sick and tired of these baseless accusations!
Evelyn: No, you’re just sick and tired!
Riley: You’re gonna feel real silly when my mana bar fills back up. I’m gonna Fireball all your asses. [limply makes flame noises]
Rich: Ooh, a ghoul, you say? How very novel. Righty-o, let’s get stuck in.
SOUND: Rich walks over to Riley. A cool er sloshes in his hands.
Riley: What’s with the cooler? Do you drink on the job? See, Ev, I told you this guy was a phony! You hired a frat boy doctor.
Evelyn: Stop antagonizing the doctor, Riley.
Riley: Say that again when he’s doing a keg stand over my malpractice-induced corpse.
Rich: Oh, this? This is from my last patient, I didn’t have time to drop her-- I mean, it-- off at home before I came here. But rest assured, I never drink on the job.
Riley: Ugh, we need to stop letting British people in here...
Evelyn: Uhh, Doctor Bates? I don’t want to interrupt any of the medical procedures, but you seem to be covered in a lot of blood right now. Isn’t that unsanitary?
Rich: Please, Rich. But don’t worry darling, it’s not mine. And it’s sterile, I assure you.
Riley: That’s comforting. Ugh. My tummy hurts...Uh, with health!
Rich: No need to worry, Riley, I’m a professional. I’m just going to perform a few basic diagnostic tests, to establish the justification for surgery.
Riley: Don’t try to swindle me with your medical jargon. I know my rights!
Rich: My, you’re a feisty one. [to Evelyn] Are they always like this?
Evelyn: Actually, this is low-energy Riley.
Riley: Excuse me!? Do you see how big my green bar is? It’s at like, 200%.
SOUND: Rich opens a medical bag. Tools jangle.
Rich: I’m going to press on and begin the examination if it’s all the same to you.
Evelyn: You’re not going to do anything dangerous, are you?
Rich: What would possibly lead you to think that about me?
SOUND: Sinister organ music begins to play.
Rich: Oh, I do apologize, that’s my ringtone. One moment, please.
SOUND: Rich answers his phone.
Rich: [into phone] Dr. Bates here. Yes. This better be important, I’m with a patient… Yes, yes, I have the product… Fresh and on the ice, ready to go… Of course I cleaned up!
Riley: Taking a phone call during a consultation. So unprofessional.
Evelyn: I’m a little more concerned about all the obvious murderer vibes.
Rich: ...I’ll be there right after this, and remember... Cash. I can’t seem to wrap my head around all this ToddCoin nonsense. Cheers!
SOUND: He hangs up.
Rich: My sincerest apologies, bodies tend to pile up. [soft chuckle] ...Did I say bodies? I meant work, I assure you. [to Riley] Now, let’s start with something simple... Open your mouth and say “aaahhhhhh”.
Riley: [nervous] Alright. Healthy people can open their mouths and not feel like they’re going to gag, so that’s what I’ll do. Because I can.
SOUND: “Aaahhh.” Splat as something lands on the table. The toad croaks.
Rich: [obviously surprised] I’m sorry, was that a toad?
Riley: A frog, actually.
Evelyn: Don’t you start!
Rich: Alrighty...I’m going to grab my stethoscope and have a listen to make sure everything on the inside is in perfect, sellable condition.
Evelyn: Sellable?
Rich: Hm? Beg your pardon? I said I’m grabbing my stethoscope.
SOUND: Rich grabs the next tool from his bag. Meanwhile, the toad hops around the basement, occasionally croaking, for the rest of the episode. [Note for Scott: Feel free to throw in a well-timed croak whenever it seems funny.]
Evelyn: So, uh, what medical school did you attend, Rich? Just out of curiosity.
Rich: Well, first, I attended Evil Pre-Med at Stanford, before performing my Evil Residency at Harvard. I graduated with dishonors before shadowing a more experienced Evil surgeon at Evil Johns Hopkins. And I minored in Economics...Evil Economics, I assure you.
Riley: See, Ev? He even admits all doctors are evil! I respect that kind of honesty.
Evelyn: I think he’s just saying he’s evil!
Rich: Whenever did I say that? Now quiet for a moment, please, I need to listen to Riley’s potentially valuable heart.
Riley: [smug] See, Ev! My heart is super valuable.
SOUND: Long silence. A few croaks.
Riley: Look, he’s stunned into silence by its power!
Rich: [at a loss for words] Well…That’s not quite... Hm...
Evelyn: [concerned] What’s their BPM, doctor?
Rich: Two…
Evelyn: [cutting him off] Two hundred?! That’s crazy high!
Riley: It shows I’m working at maximum efficiency!
Rich: No, two. [harrowed pause] I’d heard legends about this in Evil Cardiology, but I didn’t think they were true. Until now…
Riley: I’m a legend! [coughing fit]
Evelyn: What does this mean, doctor?
Rich: Lord only knows, we’re going off-road now... [A little excited at the idea] I think a blood test is in order.
SOUND: Rich grabs a syringe from his bag.
Rich: You may notice a little prick.
Riley: Shit, is Mario back!? I’m all out of shells…
Evelyn: Maybe we should put some limits on Nintendo time...
SOUND: Rich draws some blood from an indifferent Riley. Riley quietly hums the Mario Kart theme, clearly still s paced out.
Evelyn: You’re uh… taking a lot of blood there, Dr. Rich, sir. Don’t your patients need to, y’know, keep some?
Rich: All necessary, darling. Trust the expert. Now I’ll get this sample under the microscope and have a closer look to see what’s really going on here.
SOUND: Quiet squirting noise. The blood sample squeals and hisses defensively then slithers away.
Rich: [visibly unnerved] Jesus..!
Riley: Yeah, It does that sometimes, you can either get the flamethrower to deal with it now or wait for it to come back. It gets homesick eventually.
Evelyn: I can confirm. It’s gross but kinda wholesome.
Rich: [voice a little shaky, but regaining his composure] I have to say, Riley, your blood is absolutely fascinating. Riley: Listen, buddy, I’m ace and I’m saving myself for a Jonas brother, so try your silver fox porno doctor schtick with someone else.
Rich: I meant it in a purely professional sense, darling. Speaking of, I think it’s time I take a more invasive approach to your diagnosis.
Riley: And the mixed messages continue.
SOUND: Rich messing around in his doctor’s bag.
Evelyn: Um...What exactly are we looking at here?
Riley: Shiny. Must’ve hit a Star.
SOUND: Whirring of a surgical saw. Riley starts humming the star powerup theme.
Rich: Now please hold still, this is a very delicate procedure…
SOUND: The whirring of the saw transition into…
SOUND: Catchy EDM hook plays. Predictably chaotic and off-kilter.
Flauros: Who’s the burning boy with big ol’ leopard teeth! It’s me,
Flauros! And I’m here… why am I here?
Marketing Exec.: Talk about your beer.
Flauros: Flauros has beer! And it’s uh…
Marketing Exec.: [insistent] Good!
Flauros: Flauros has beer and it’s good. I-I drink this beer. Marketing Exec.: Keep going…
Flauros: Right. The first time Flauros drank a bottle of this beer, he finished it. And then he had another one. I’m not sure if it was the same beer though. It’s all beer. And it was all good. And it was all bad.
Marketing Exec.: Goddamn it. Say the name...
Flauros: [so confident] Flauros! Thought I wouldn’t remember huh… but Flauros always remembers.
Marketing Exec.: Fuck it. [distant] It’s good enough. Send it out. I’m going home to cry into my birthday cake.
SOUND: Marketing exec. stomps away. Paper is thrown to the floor. The door slams shut and the lights are turned off. Beat.
Flauros: Oh look, a beer!
SOUND: Gross, squelching noises as Rich feels around Riley’s open abdomen.
Riley: Hey, easy on my spleen. [spaced-out laugh] That tickles.
Evelyn: I know nobody likes a backseat surgeon, but shouldn’t you be using an anesthetic?
Rich: [scoffs] Anesthetic?
Evelyn: Y’know, surgical painkillers!
Rich: I’m aware of what they are. They just spoil the fun of it.
Evelyn: For those of you at home, this is Less is Morgue’s first live surgery. Riley’s chest and abdomen are now fully open.
Riley: Jeez, Ev, why don’t you just doxx me? [coughing fit]
Evelyn: The listeners deserve to know why they’re hearing these horrible squishy noises, Riley!
SOUND: More awful squishy noises. They persist throughout the scene.
Rich: Is this what you kids would call ASMR?
Evelyn: [irritated] I still don’t know what that means.
Riley: We’ve been over this, Evelyn. It stands for America’s Secret Moon Reptiles. [Beat] How’s it looking under the hood, Rich?
Rich: [frustrated] I’m not a mechanic. And it’s a mess in here. When was the last time you cleaned?
Riley: [offended] I can send you down there with a broom if you like. Rich: No need to get snippy, I’m just doing my job.
SOUND: Riley coughing violently. Gross, squishy reshuffling noises.
Rich: [sharp inhale] Well, I just lost my place…Wait, have you had an appendectomy?
Riley: Yup, performed it and disposed of the medical waste myself. Shows I don’t need some quack getting elbow-deep in my guts to keep me healthy.
Rich: [sarcastic] Of course, and I suppose you ate the offending organ afterward?
Riley: Yeah! How’d you guess?
SOUND: Rich frustratedly rummaging around again. Squish. Squelch. Rich sighing.
Rich: Riley, darling, I mean this in the nicest possible way, but how are you even alive?
Riley: Spite, mostly.
Evelyn: That may be the truest thing they’ve said all day.
Riley: What’s with all this slander against my body anyway? I bet I can do way more cool shit with my organs than you can. I can make them move independently, or have them change sizes and positions! I can even make my liver talk on cue. You wanna see?
Rich: No, thank you, I’ve seen quite enough already. The condition of your insides is absolutely horrific.
Evelyn: Seriously, though, I’ve seen them do it. It’s both terrifying, and hard to look away from. Like our Twitter mentions.
Rich: I have absolutely no reason to dispute that. And frankly, I would prefer to keep my lunch down.
Riley: Your loss. Coward. [coughing fit]
SOUND: More gross, squishy noises.
Rich: I think I’ve found the stomach. [beat] Mother of God…
Riley: She ain’t in there. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
Rich: It just keeps going...and going…
Evelyn: [disconcertingly chipper] I was in there twice!
Riley: Good times.
Rich: [under his breath] So you’re the people the internet warned me about…
Riley: No, we’re the people the internet warned you about.
Evelyn: Heck yeah!
Rich: Is this floss or fishing wire?
Riley: Whatever it was, it tasted like ribbon candy.
Rich: Well, I’m taking it out.
Riley: Hey, I was digesting that. Rude.
Rich: It appears to be connected to a chunk of wood… With the inscription ‘This machine kills party poopers’...
Evelyn: Wasn’t that the mass-murdering counselor from that summer camp?
Riley: Jordy P! I wonder what he’s up to these days.
Evelyn: You ate him, Riles.
Riley: Oh yeah, so I did. Good catch, Ev.
Rich: [getting a bit nervous] For the record, my husband knows I’m here. Just so you’re aware. [beat] Huh. Odd to be on this side of the conversation.
Evelyn: Aww, husband. Good for both of you!
Riley: And yet, you were still coming onto me earlier. You fuckin’ doctors make me sick.
SOUND: Rich absolutely baffled as he pulls out the total atomic vaporizer.
Rich: What the fuck is this? A toy laser gun… with uranium in it?
Riley: That thing was no toy, lemme tell you. You don’t know hell until you’ve suffered atomic indigestion. And I’ve been to actual hell.
Rich: [truly horrified] I’m feeling pre-cancerous just looking at this thing. How long has this been inside you?
Riley: I dunno, like five months? Maybe?
Rich: [makes a pained noise through clenched teeth] I’m at a loss for words...How?
Riley: I’m just built different, dude.
Evelyn: Riley’s stomach is kind of like a pocket universe. Except everything that goes there dies.
Riley: So it’s just like our universe.
Evelyn: (baffled) Yeah, I guess.
SOUND: The toad croaks.
Rich: I agree. Riley: I knew you’d come to appreciate my wisdom. Rich: I was talking to the toad.
SOUND: Squishy noises.
Rich: Huh, looks like a name tag and part of a uniform. Ring any bells?
Riley: [beat] That doesn’t narrow it down.
Rich: Belongs to a Mister Jon... Wheel er. Know him?
Evelyn: It’s complicated. But we can give it to him if we ever see each other again!
Riley: I don’t think he wants it. Or to see us.
Rich: This is giving me flashb acks to shark week…
Evelyn: I love sharks!
Riley: Oh shit, is there a shark in there? He’s gonna steal all my snacks!
Rich: Nevermind, forget I said anything. Let me see what else I can salvage.
Rich: Is that... Is that Mario?
Evelyn: Oh no, the toad got to you too!
Rich: [frantic; desperate] No, it isn’t Toad, I’m positive it’s Mario. He’s down there looking at me with those cold, dead eyes. [takes a deep breath] I need a quick break, mind if I smoke in here?
Riley: You can’t smoke in here with my lungs all exposed like this! The nicotine will seep into my blood and make me lose all my health bar and then implant nanobots to control me to buy cigarettes because that’s what the government WANTS.
Rich: So I’ll go upstairs then. I’ll be back in a tick.
SOUND: Rich leaving with his soul damaged. Door closes.
Riley: [sighs; relieved] Nice to give your organs some air sometimes, y’know?
Evelyn: No, Riley, I don’t know. The last time any of my organs got some air, a stage light had just crushed my head.
Riley: Jeez. Way to make it about you. I’m the sick one here- HEALTHY ONE! I’m so healthy it makes me sick. Ugh. One sec, lemme put these away.
SOUND: Gross, fleshy shapeshifting noises.
Riley: Insides back inside.
Evelyn: Yay, I guess?
Riley: Is it weird that seeing my guts like that made me hungry?
Evelyn: Not by your standards, no.
Riley: Sweet. I’ll take it. Maybe I’ll borrow one of Dr. Hugh Grant’s beers to fill the void, he owes me that much at least.
SOUND: Riley opens the cooler.
Riley: Oh shit, it’s full of organs! Jackpot!
Evelyn: Riley, don’t! You don’t know who they came from!
Riley: Yeah, but I know who they’re going into. Snack time.
SOUND: Riley grossly scarfing down the organs.
Evelyn: Well, at least they’re getting their appetite back.
SOUND: Riley belches. Satisfied.
Riley: Ahhh. That hit the spot.
Evelyn: You’re stealing Dr. Bates’ organs, Ril es. He may be an obvious murderer, but that’s no reason for us to stoop to his level.
Riley: Nah. The way I see it, he spent the last ten minutes stealing shit from my stomach. This is just the law of Equivalent Exchange.
SOUND: The basement door opens, Rich re-enters, looking more calm and composed, he’s even fixed his hair. That’s a little treat for transcript readers.
Rich: I just had a lovely chat with your mother. Charming woman, she’s invited me over for tea sometime in-- [pause] Why is the cooler open? [panic rises] Why is the cooler empty?!
SOUND: Riley burps.
Rich: [deep inhale] Riley, please explain to me why my products are no longer in their container?
Riley: Products? That’s a weird way of saying lunch.
Evelyn: Riles, I don’t think he means lunch.
Rich: [now getting absolutely furious, but trying so hard to hide it behind some level of professionalism] Do you have any idea what you’ve done? How much money those were worth?!
SOUND: Riley’s stomach gurgles.
Riley: I think you should ask the deli for your money back, they’re not sitting right. [groans]
Rich: Those are transplant organs, you absolute imbecile!
Riley: Ugh. My body is rejecting these transplants. Where’s that frog? I need a health boost.
Evelyn: You don’t look so good, Riley. Some might even say you’re sick...
Rich: You...You’ll pay for this.
Riley: [dealing with stomach discomfort] Oh, believe me, I’m paying for it.
SOUND: Riley’s stomach gurgles. Riley groans in pain.
Rich: [deep frustrated breaths, voice shaky] Evelyn, would you be a dear and float over that pillow for me?
Evelyn: Uh, sure, Dr. Bates.
Rich: Thank you, darling.
SOUND: Ghost-powered floating pillow. Rich grabs the pillow and shrieks into it.
Rich: Okay. I’m back.
Riley: Feel better? Because I sure don’t. Not that I’m sick.
Rich: [he’s lost it, professionalism out the fucking window] THAT’S IT. NO MORE DOCTOR NICE GUY. I’ve laid down the charm for you ungrateful reprobates all evening!
Evelyn: Eleven AM.
Rich: Whatever! Since I got here, it’s been nothing but… fucking weird! This has to be the worst musty basement I’ve ever performed surgery in! I may need to lobotomize myself to forget that this nightmare ever happened!
Riley: [groans] My tummy...
Rich: I don’t give a flying FUCK about that labyrinthine horror show you call a tummy! You’ve just eaten my biggest paycheck yet, I’ll be out hundreds of thousands of dollars in black market checks thanks to your absolute buffoonery! You’ve ruined me, you freaky little clown! You gremlin! You complete and utter knobhead!
SOUND: Riley violently projectile vomits all over Doctor Richard Bates. When it ends, Evelyn just gasps.
Evelyn: Riley...You could have at least aimed that super spew away from him…
Riley: You say that like this was premeditated. [beat] Oh my god...I feel good. No, better than good, I feel amazing! Holy fuck...You cured me, Doc!
Rich: [harrowed; voice shaking] I’ve been...chundered...flotsammed... jetsammed...
Riley: I can’t believe it, Ev...You’ve found the one trustworthy doctor! Rich, my man, my dude, you’re a miracle worker. How much do my parents owe you?
Rich: The sum you owe can never be paid in full.
Riley: I’ll keep your number handy anyway.
Evelyn: I mean, it is good to have a doctor Riley trusts. We’ll call you in the future whenever they get into a weird medical oopsie.
Riley: And that isn’t too much pressure. It’s two, three times a week, tops.
Rich: [completely lost it] NO! NEVER AGAIN! I NEVER want to see you and this HELLHOLE you call a basement for the rest of my NATURAL LIFE. [voice shaky; welling up] I’m going to go home, take a long, long, long, long shower...
SOUND: Rich storming off. Croak. He grabs the toad.
Evelyn: IT’S A TOAD!
SOUND: The door slamming. Hard.
Riley: I like him.
Evelyn: Yeah, could be worse. At least he was polite.
Riley: Man, I’m feeling so good! Not that I was super sick before, but I feel fucking fantastic now.
Evelyn: So, you feel well enough to clean up this disgusting mess?
Riley: Well... Maybe I’ll take a nap first. [beat] Hey, is that Mario?
Evelyn: [War flashbacks] Oh no, it’s happening again…
Riley: No, look!
SOUND: Riley rummages through the puke. Pulls out a Mario Amiibo.
Riley: Fuck, it’s an Amiibo.
Evelyn: Oh wow, that is Mario. Wait, his overalls are the wrong shade of blue… Oh my god.
Riley: What?
Evelyn: On the news! They were running a story about a fake Mario toy recall because the plastic was contaminated by a nearby arsenic factory! And you could tell which ones because the bootleg versions had the wrong blue for his pants!
Riley: Huh, in hindsight, this explains a lot…
Evelyn: Not really. How did this end up in your tummy?
Riley: I ate it to gain its power so I could beat Rainbow Road, obviously.
Evelyn: Yeah, obviously. Why would I even need to ask?
Scott: Thanks for listening to Less Is Morgue, the bi-weekly comedy podcast from the Praeps Collective. This episode was written by Jasper Taylor, Henry Galley, and Gus Zagarella, and audio engineered by me, Scott Thomas. With episode art by Jasper Taylor. This episode starred Alexis Bristowe as Riley, Meg Molloy Tuten as Evelyn, Will de Renzy-Martin as Dr. Richard Bates, Gus Zagarella as Flauros, Scott Thomas as the marketing executive, and Ricardo the Toad as himself.
Executive Producer: Uri Sacharow, and our theme song was composed by Nick Heilman and Makayla Crider.
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